Sunday, August 22, 2010

Of Course I'm a Vegetarian, Come Closer

I racked my brain for a title for this one, he looks so 'inquiring' to me, as if he is asking us to come closer.

He was at a zoo in St Petersberg in Florida. The photo was taken through glass, but it was very clear for me to use as a reference.

Such gorgeous specimans these animals are, and if they have to be in a zoo, it's nice to see them in an open plain area, and not in cages as they were when I was a kid. How I hated that.

Mostly done in pastel pencils, then I touched areas with my chalk pastels, the pencils just don't get enough 'oomph' for my liking.


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

E/Mail comment from Janine Martens

Rae - This is STUNNING ! Just WONDERFUL ! If I had some $$$$ and some wall space I would buy it ! Thou Art Amazing.



Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Comment via e/mail from Sue Wiley..

You KNOW this one touched me greatly, if only for the title!!! :-) But it's beautifully done, as well! Hugs from your vegetarian pal!

Sue Wiley

Artist said...

this is beautiful. you were able to capture his emotions very well!

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Thankyou for your comment (Artist)they are such all knowing creatures, one can almost hear the wheels moving..
Ah yes, supper is looking at me.

Jo Castillo said...

These last pastels of animals are all so wonderful. You rock!!

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Thanx Jo, I am having fun with them too. More to come, come back and visit soon,

Dean H. said...

Lol...Love the title, Rae! You really caught that look of the tiger eyeballing a human under glass. Something like me eyeballing a pork chop on a platter. :)
All your recent animal subjects are outstanding!

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Hee hee, thanks Dean, glad you stopped by,

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Kathy Sharplin sent e/mail comment:

Rae, my goodness , you are painting out of your head!
They are such fine, interesting pieces.
Keep up the good work!

Hope to see you soon.
Kathy Sharplin

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Tee hee, not sure what Kathy meant about "painting out of my head".. Maybe she means I am a little mad, and this would be true,
thanks to all for your comments.