A few weeks ago, you might recall I had a solo show here in Austin.
A fellow artist from the Austin Pastel Society (Sonja) saw the show, and mentioned that it would be fun to see if I could do my fish (which were in acrylics in the show) ..in pastels.
I thought "why not" and have taken the challenge Sonja , I thank you for your input.
It was not easy though, doing the underlay in pastel 'ribbons' first, then drawing my fish over and into these markes.
One has to be very careful not to overload the paper, especially velour paper as it's not that forgiving.
However, I did this painting in a very similar way to my acrylic fish, patiently building the layers around the shapes, and getting the fish to be partially hidden in amongst this swirl of rainbow colors.
Great fun to do, and I think I will pursue this path for some future pastels, not necessarily fish though. Maybe even the figures, huh?
This is beautiful. Thanks and to Sonja as well. :)
Thanx Jo, it's funny, I did not even think to try this technique with pastels till Sonja suggested it.
And it was so much fun and unexpected, I love that.
I really like the way this one turned out. I wouldn't of thought to try this in pastel either. Great job.
Thanks Vic, it was fun, and I appreciate your comments so much.
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