Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seaside Palette

I love water as you may all know by now.
These refelctions caught my eye one day in Seattle, they were wonderful and of course I just had to paint them.
In hindsight I think I would have liked the format longer and more elongated, maybe I will try the subject again. Hmmm?
I had the paper already mounted and cut to size, and it screamed at me "Use me!!" so volia, I did.


Susan Abston Wiley said...

Ooooh, this is beautifully intricate, must have taken you ages to do... Oh, but wait, I'm forgetting how quickly you paint... Anyway, well done, Rae! I love it!

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Thanks Sue, this one did take me a couple of days, lots of reflections and movement, to keep track of, but I had fun with it just the same.
Thanks for the comments Sue.

Jo Castillo said...

Another great one! Whew, you have been busy.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful. Your depiction of water is always wonderful. I particularly like these two with the hard edges on the boat contrasting with the swirl of the reflections on the water.

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Thankyou everyone, so great to hear from you all.