Monday, November 1, 2010

Hi everyone, as I can't figure out how to do this any other way for now, here is a link (to cut/copy or paste) to your browser and you can see the latest online show set up through Western Art Collector. It's an online showcase of several artists' works.

I also have work showing at the Dutch Gallery in Dallas (the Artists of Texas), and this link features some of the artists involved as well as myself.

Please explore it, for me, it's a new concept and I want to get feedback.
Thanks everyone


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

I enjoyed this journey so much. It was great seeing such fantastic work, and such a variety. I especially liked your horses.
pat langley

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Janine comments via e/mail:

Lots of nice work here……your pieces stand out very well as being high end. This looks like a promising venue. Well done and best of luck.



Jo Castillo said...

Great work. Love to see yours there! Good luck, Rae.