Saturday, December 25, 2010

Australian Escape

I definitely get homesick at Christmas, hence all these Aussie scenes, forgive me if it's overkill.

This was from a photo I took two years ago while I was there, no idea where it was, but let's say it's a typical Aussie scene and of course having reflections and the lovely receding back line, I could not resist painting it. You know me and water.

I chose a deep rich purple suede mat board for this one, as I was dealing with so many shades of rich greens and I wanted the painting to 'pop'.

I will often choose the complimentary color of the overall local colors I am to use.


Dean H. said...

Not over-kill at all, Rae!
Fantastic reflections!!

Merry Christmas.

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Courtney B. writes a comment via e/mail:

Absolutely gorgeous, Rae. You are so good. What we should do is go on a painting trip to Australia, and you can be the guide...


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Kathy G. comments via e/mail:

So beautiful! Don't apologize for Your Aussie paintings. I love them. Merry Christmas.

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Vicki B. comments via e/mail:

I tried to reply on you blog and my computer crashed. This is one of my favorites. Just love it. Those tiny pops of orange in the water are spectacular.


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Kathy S. comments via e/mail:

You've done it again. It's a beauty.
How is your arm. Do take care of it.

You are one of our treasures.


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Janine M. comments via e/mail:

This is lovely Rae. We all go through some cathartic emotions this time of year.
Happy New Year. Let’s hope we have a good 2011.



Bãpp said...

Amazing job my friend.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year,
jan :)