Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hazel's version of the painting below

As promised this is Hazel's version of the same scene, she did it in oils, and it is simply wonderful. I think it's around 11 x 14", so larger than my effort, and she used a lot more of the orange earth colors, lovely I think.

My version looks more MOODY I think, almost a different time of day. As I said before I only realized that this was the same scene after I had almost finished my own painting of it. Hillarious, that's old age for you huh?


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Britta H. comments via e/mail:

I think they are both very beautiful but, yes quiet a difference in the mood and the medium as well.

Thank you for sharing Rae!!

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Janine M. comments via e/mail:

This is so interesting. I’m glad you sent both of them out. They are both lovely in such different ways. I wish I had known your aunt. Would I have liked her ?


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Jill C. comments via e/mail:

Isn’t that amazing – you and Hazel must be so alike – well in her younger days anyway.

To my non-artistic eye it seems Hazel’s version is more ‘photo like’, and yours a bit more abstract!

Hazel’s is like ‘sunny day’ and yours is more moody – I get that!

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Thanks for the comments everyone, this was a fun one to do and to then realize my similarity to my aunt's choices.

To explain Jill's comment, she is my cousin in Australia and of course knows Hazel.

She also knows that as a young woman, Hazel and I even looked alike, but as my poor old aunt is now in her late eighties, I sure hope I don't look like her now.

Sorry Haze:( But who knows, I very likely will start looking like her, OMG!! That's scary!

Unknown said...

Lovely work, shadows are looking wonderful.

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Thanks so much Amit, great to have you visit my blog.I appreciate your comments.