Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fashion Forward Picker

I have done several of these 'Picker' paintings, a couple in pastel, and a couple in acrylics, but I just loved the stance of the men in my photos and the grape leaves.

I pretty well made up the background on this, and the red jeans and the warm colors, in actual fact they were all in blue hues in my photos. Once again I tweaked all the colors in Photoshop, it helps me see the wild alternatives.

It was fun to do, but I am still not overly thrilled with this painting.. Maybe another attempt is on the horizon.


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Janine M. comments via e/mail:

I like this a lot. Great colors and nice rendering as usual.


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...
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