Saturday, April 23, 2011

White Water Tumble

My husband once asked me "why do you do waterfalls all the time?"..

Well as you can see with my past posts, I don't all the time, however they are in my heart as is all water. Must be pretty waterlogged I guess, all that Aussie sun and surf! Not to mention my 12 years on Maui!

This one began with an abstract underlay, in fact I will post the steps after this post, just so you might see the process of the painting.

I never quite know how these will turn out, a little nervewracking, but fun just the same, makes the old heart get anxious at times. Ha ha.


Vicki Brevell said...

Another winner! Makes me want to jump in.

Susan Abston Wiley said...

Oooh, this is gorgeous, Rae! I reminds me of the waterfall near the farmhouse in Provence where I stayed with Eileen's group of artists two years ago- what do you think, Vic?

Susan Carlin said...

Rae, this is a triumph! Love it!

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Kathy S. comments via e/mail:

They are both very good
Are you on another roll!! So much talent

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Thanks so much everyone, I am glad you liked this one so much.

I have to say it was fun to paint, a challenge for me to make it all pull together. Thanks again

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Courtney B. comments via e/mail:

Well, the Jungians say that water is the symbol for the process of life and death - it's very profound. You are probably tapping into something very deep and mysterious - and, of course, beautiful. Just gorgeous. I could look at it all day long.


Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Well that explains it Courtney, thanks for this explanation, very interesting.

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Janine M. comments via e/mail:

P.S. Love the movement and the detail. Very “Rae”.
