Saturday, September 22, 2012

Time Out

Tomorrow I have been asked (along with 3 other artists) to be a part of a rotating demonstration for the Austin pastel Society.

This event has been an ongoing event for the last 3 years in our society, I first saw it done at the IAPS convention in Albuquerque New Mexico and being at that time, in charge of activities for our group, decided the members of our own pastel society might enjoy the process. The event over the years, has been accepted with great response from our members , who have the chance to enter a silent auction and buy the paintings at completion, the proceeds of which are used to feed our scholarship fund for up and coming student artists.

The Process.

With a set amount of artists at their easels, in this case it will be four, we work on our own pastels for 15 minutes, then we switch to the next artist's painting and work on theirs for the next 15 minutes. This is repeated till at last the piece is back in front of it's original artist, who has the last 15 minute time frame to refine her/his work.

It is a lot of fun and a mad scramble when  we see what other artists have done to our work. LOL.

Having said all of this, I did a practice run today on the above painting, stopping every 15 minutes to see just how much I could get done in that time. In all, this painting took me an hour to complete.

Firstly I used my own photos, one of my dear (now passed ) bird Baby (on the left) and a macaw I saw at the zoo. I joined the two photos in P/Shop.

As the photo is only 8 x 10" and I needed to have it 16 x 20", I scaled it up to fit my page, drew a sketch, then transfered it to my velour paper. This is the reason my white paper is a little grubby in this photo, the charcoal transfer paper left marks. :((

I then set the timer for 15 minutes, and began. (this will be my next post)

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