Monday, December 24, 2012

Aerial Vista step by step PASTEL

Aerial Vista is an 18 x 24" pastel on white velour paper.

I thought it was time to get onto a larger painting so today (Xmas Eve) I finally got into my studio and voila.

Have been doing small sketches for a while now as you all know but just had to break away from that.. I know I will get back to those 'marker' drawings in the future, however this was just a little escape for the brain.

I wanted to really PUNCH up the colors I guess after doing such pale sketches while traveling, I was itching get some raw primaries in there and see what happened.

I love the fact with pastels that I can use drawing techniques as well as painterly marks.
I wanted to keep everything loose and less literal.

I began with a loose drawing in charcoal, then the sky was laid in concentrating on some cloud formations. (See figure 1)

My next steps move from left to right, and pretty early in the pricess i blasted the page with RED!

The dark blue is a mixture of Cerulean and French Ultramarine. Of course when the blues and reds went on, the orange and greens were laid in for contrast.
I usually work from the top to bottom with my largest shapes..

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