Monday, December 31, 2012

Don't Let Color Scare You

PRECIPICE  began as an old floral demo I had started while teaching a workshop in Fredericksburg a few months ago.
Not wanting to finish it, and not wanting to waste the good velour paper, I decided to try a landscape over the top.
Here are the steps.

A quick sketch gets me a design to work to. I find it tricky with daisy like flowers started on the sheet, and have to lock into the fact that now this is going to be a lanscape with houses and a cliff.

I get the horizon line established and the houses and sheds, before I tackle the cliff area.

My colors get brighter and more vivid as I progress, however I am cognizant of more subdued values to get the distance of the panorama.

The drama of the cliff is exaggerated with contrast of value, edges and line.

I want the cliff to be the focus, the houses in the distance are secondary however important as a stepping stone for my viewer to move into the background.

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