Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Beside the Iao River, Maui

As most of you know, I lived on Maui for many years. I was fortunate enough to revisit the island last month with a group of fellow friends and artists, so this one was appropriate.

We all sat at the river's edge and painted, although at the time I did a pastel (en plien air) of the scene (will post that another time).

If any of you have been to this simply magical place on Maui, you know that the water glistens and rages through valleys of rainforest plants and shrubery.

The respite of the wonderful rainforest is very welcome, especially to artists. It gets very humid at times.

I sat on a rock (very uncomfortable) to paint. Too old for this sort of thing.. Yikes, did I just say that?

Anyway, to get back to this painting, it began well in my studio, playful, free and spontaneous, but I started to lose my whites, guess I am watercolored out for today. :((

I had very different plans for it, especially the foreground areas, they were meant to be bleached out and white paper for the most part.
Back to the drawing board on that, oh well.

The trees (which were in real life, tinted with a gorgeous red fungus not harmful to the tree)  and foliage was so thick and mostly dark in the rainforest, so I knew I wanted to get that part across to my viewers and make a total feature of the water.

I love doing water, it's all about what you leave out, which is a huge discipline  for most of us.

Anyway, enjoy, hope it makes you feel cool at least. :))


This is a watrecolor on arches paper 14 x 20".

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