Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fall Mirror

Another pastel on sanded paper.

I find this surface far more laborious than the velour to paint on, but a challenge is always good for us, right?

FYI..I rarely  smudge with my fingers, I let the pastel do it for me with overlays.I find that keeps my colors glowing and cleaner.

 This was on a quite dark valued brown/red paper..
Also another reason it was more laborious for me, I was constantly nudging my lighter values for contrast.

This is 14 x 18" unframed pastel on sanded paper.
$350 plus S/H.

Prints are also available through Fine Art America:

1 comment:

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Sue W. Comments via email:

Gorgeous glow on the big pink rocks! 'Nother beauty, my girl!