Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Morning Mist

This is another small oil.... 5 x 7"

I wanted to try and keep my colors very high key for the most part, not easy for me, I love the drama of 'punchy' colors.

I also wanted to keep to a limited palette.
The scene is a little made up, a little from a photo I had of a place in Australia, no idea where though.

I am really enjoying oils for a change, but I so want to get back to my large canvasses! Sigh!

My arm is great now, thanks to cortisone...do I dare to test the waters with a larger painting?

This little one is for sale . If you are interested contact me at:

The price is $60.00 plus tax
S/H within the US ..$12.00
Outside the US. $25.00

1 comment:

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

Janine M. comments via email:

Really lovely Rae. Such harmony !