Thursday, May 17, 2012

Last Light, Provence

A few weeks ago I had the wonderful pleasure of teaching an oil or pastel workshop to a group of art friends on Lake Buchanan.

This demo was showing the group how to proceed with an abstract underlay of paint, then superimpose the subject (in this case a waterfall and rocks and trees) over the top.

It got the group started and they produced some wonderful work in both oils and pastels.By the way, no one did a waterfall :))) 
On my return home I now  had a very brief start on this painting and did not feel inspired to go on with it.
As you will see in the steps above,  the demo began with a horizantal format, which I then switched  to a vertical, just for grins.
And so Last Light, Provence begins...

Zig through the steps from left to right and follow my process, if you can. :))

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