Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Maui Riptide..Pastel.. Texas Artist..Rae Andrews

I guess I felt a need for a completely different genre, so here goes nothing.

This is a scene from my walks on Sugar Beach Maui. It's a long beach and great to stretch my legs.

I just love to watch the waves, and the way the light plays on the top of the crests.

A seascape needs to be studied at length before painting it, after all, it's never still for us, and photos simply don't do it justice.

They flatten the light and dull down the colors.

Having said that, this is a composite from my photos, and a lot is from memory, an impression, that's what I was aiming for.

I hope you like it.

                                                  This image is 9" x 25" unfarmed.
                                                               $500 plus S/H

                                Prints are also available through Fine Art America:

                                                             Thanks for visiting..

Rae works and teaches in all mediums.. please contact her through her website at:


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