Sunday, August 26, 2012

Daisy Extravaganza

I am back! At least for a short while.
I may not be posting that much for a few weeks, as I am about to go to Greece and Venice, but expect more after my return..I hope :)))

I am doing a demo next week on Wednesday at the Lakeway Activity Center here in Austin, and decided I will likely do a floral.

As they want watercolor demo in rediness for a workshop I will be doing in late September, I decided a floral  is always a great standby for me.

Today I finally got into my studio today and  in readiness for the demo.

I used to work solely in watrecolor in Austrlaia, for around 20 years, then later on Maui I began to branch into different mediums.
Today was nice to get back to my 'roots' so to speak.

I still love oils, pastels and acrylics a little more I think, but we artists like to switch things up.

If you like this and wish to view it, let me know. The size is a full sheet watercolor paper 22.5 x 30".

If you want to come along to the demo, it is $10 for the two hours, and is from 1.15pm to 3.15pm.See link above for the address.
Would love to see you.

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