Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I am all over the place here, just realized that I had not posted more of my sketches from a previous trip.

This little sketch was done from a photo I took in Santorini last September. This island is covered with wonderful white buildings which deflect the sun, and the Greeks LOVE their gorgeous blue, all the shutters and doors are painted in it.

As many of you know, I have been doing a fair bit of traveling of late.
This trip to the Greek Islands and Venice was wonderful! I went with a small group of artist friends and we had a ball!

I actually rode a donkey on Santorini, great fun and it was on my BUCKET LIST of things to do in my lifetime. Check #1.

This was the first time I had used my markers while away. I had prepared a few pieces of matboard with Canson Paper stuck to them (using 3M spray ) for my substrate. It worked very well, even when I used water with some of my colors.

No lifting or curling of the paper, great substrate for travelers.

As we were on a cruise in the islands, we had little time to paint while onshore, so we all used our IPads for reference while back on the ship.A very comfortable way of painting while sitting in an air conditioned reading room , no heat, no noise, very appealing to this artist. :))

Anyway, this one is 6 x 8" (image size).

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