Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Let's Journal!..Watercolor Markers.. Texas Artist..Rae Andrews

As I travel a lot painting, and will be taking off to Spain shortly to teach a workshop there, I thought I had better brush up (excuse the pun) on my journaling skills.

As you possibly know, traveling now is not what it used to be, and the lighter your load the better, or else one gets stuck with baggage fees. Yikes!

I have learned the hard way and now take as little as possible, this includes clothing and art supplies.

Of course journaling  is not for everyone, but it is fun and very easy to pack your gear.

I use Winsor and Newton Watercolor Markers, and I love the Strathmore Watercolor journals, the hard cover type.

I usually draw a loose idea of the scene in pencil first, then go right in with the markers. You can loosen the watercolor with a wet brush and even make washes such as skies.

I don't usually use ink marker to delineate after as some sketchers do, but merely use my black watercolor marker. (they have a large brush end as well as a smaller fine tip end). 

It is enough to touch areas of impact with some detailed lines.

Try it, these markers are great fun..

Rae teaches in all mediums. More of her work is available through Fine Art America..

Rae's website is www.raeandrews.com

Thanks for visiting..

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